Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hypothesis and conclusion.

My hypothesis was that if you wear a certain style of clothing people will judge you differently.

I found that people you clothing to associate people to specific stereotypes. I also found that the act of stereotyping is accomplished by judging much more than just your clothing. People judge and attach certain things to people based on everything from your race, religon, gender, age, marital status, occupation, where you live, the car you drive, and even specific mannerisms like the way you walk and talk.

This is a video to explain how the way you walk presents a certain image of yourself.

A few satirical photos of sterotypes.

The first being of a black guy with a quote from a hiphop song on a science fair project.

The next show different shows people that are supposed to be completely different but generally have the same interests. It is stereotyping within a stereotype.

The last is just supposed to be funny, but it is funny because it associates people to things we don't belive belongs to those particular individuals. So we find humor in it because we do the stereotyping ourselves.


A stereotype is a popular belief about specific social groups or types of individuals. The concepts of "stereotype" and "prejudice" are often confused with many other different meanings. Stereotypes are standardized and simplified conceptions of groups based on some prior assumptions.

Clothing can be used to associate people to particular groups someone already has a simplified ideas of.


In this article, a girl explains how she views people differently in different clothing stores. She uses Hot Topic and Abercrombie as her contrasting examples. She explains that when she sees each person in a different store she thinks of them in a different phase pf their life. Explaining that we go through different phases when we grow up and match our clothing according to which ever phase we are in.

The basic question of my blog is, does clothing affect the way people judge you.

With this question in mind, I want to research statistics and other research done to support whether people do, or do not judge on the way one is dressed.

I want to see if there is a certain way you should dress in certain situations.

How people base there thoughts on someone just by what they wear.